spring had sprung here in ottawa! and we are loving it... rain & all! i usually try to get thrifted/super cheap coats & splash wear but when you have four little ones who are obsessed with the great outdoors, a flimsy zipper is just not going to do! so i decided to invest in exactly what we needed instead of making due with what we have. my goal was that i could send the kids out in any kind of weather... rain, wind, snow, apocalypse, you name it. so i found these insulated raincoats & waterproof splash pants. these splash pants are so incredible! they can lay down in a puddle & not a drop gets in. i am a fan. especially since the mud pit in the backyard has been pretty popular with our lot. here are some pics of our newest investment: invisible splash wear.
{eva}: coat {gagou tagou}, splash pants {
golden valley - bought at kiddietown}, boots {value village - no tag}, mittens {carter's}, hat {joe}
{kai}: coat with removable liner {oshgosh}, mittens {dollarama}, boots {hand-me-down, no label}... i did end up buying kai a pair of the same splash pants too!
{davith}: coat {tag}, hat {kiddietown, weird label, not sure brand}, splash pants {
golden valley}, mittens {dollarama}, boots {hand-me-down, no label}
coat buying tips: in my experience, if you wait until a month into the season prices drop significantly. i tend to try to go for coats with liners, which means multiple seasons & temperatures. and for splash pants, i always buy one size too big, if they are elastic around the boot, which usually means they last for 2 years.