happy belated mother's day! this is my fifth official mother's day. five years since i was belly round with my first child & my, how things have changed. my, how i have changed. little did i know on that first mother's day how i was jumping head long into the steepest learning curve i'd ever experience in my life. i am transformed. so much learned & yet still so much left to learn.
i have been reluctant to share my own parenting journey, especially with the blog-o-sphere. it's kind of like those who have perfect children please go first. i am very aware that i am no where near the perfect example of a mother but i am in a committed, continuing process of becoming perfected into the likeness of Him & i have collected a few gems along my way. from my own experiences but also from many brave & courageous women who have walked before me & have shared their own treasure chest of wisdom with me, full of the precious stones that they have mined out of the trenches of motherhood.
although i can't entirely take credit for all of these treasures, it is such a beautiful grace to get to share & experience the prize of long fought for wisdom with each other. and so, i thought i'd start a little blog feature called 'motherhood in the trenches' to help me remember the priceless journey i'm on & perhaps encourage others on the same journey.
and so, here's to motherhood in the trenches & loving the little years! (*also the title of an awesome book that has become just such a treasure to me, couldn't recommend it more!)
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