we have had a tremendous weekend. yes, even through the hurried, sleepless, christmas clutter of a season. even after swells of demands this month, i just feel full to the tip top of my spirit. i just can't wipe the silly grin off my face or stop humming as i buzz around. God is just that good.
i could say that it's because we've just spent some time with Chris Gore as a body, a great encourager & equipper who happens to walk in the supernatural gift of miracles everywhere he goes. but that's not really the reason for the humming or the grinning. nor was it the time i spent watching him operate in his gift or listening to his life-lived convictions. it's the time i spent with the God in him & his team. the imparting of the very nature of that mighty, loving King.
i write a lot when i am learning. it's like a line in the sand, marking the spot where everything changed, where tangible transformation happened. and so i thought i might highlight some of those moments for me. but as this humble writer knows, some things are just impossible to articulate. words just can't entirely express Spirit in all it's fullness. i could probably explain it much more intelligibly in tongues.
here is my feeble attempt at documenting just some of those nuggets of gold from this weekend for those who didn't get the chance to be there {i realize some of these may sound a bit strange outside of the context of the conference but hopefully they make sense & bring life as they were intended... these are just the coles notes}:
it's all of Him in & through all of us, that is the transformation of the mind. it's not just who we are in Him but who He is in us.
walking in healing miracles is just about walking in an absolute confidence in Him & His heart, in an unshakeable confidence that my prayers are already answered. it's impossible for my prayers not to be answered.
God isn't sitting in heaven choosing who He will & won't heal. He already chose to heal everyone at the cross.
disappointment, if not dealt with, shuts down fruitfulness. both the burden {of not seeing people healed} & the glory {of seeing people healed} were never designed for you. both the glory & the burden belong to Christ. and i am trust.
when someone dies or isn't healed we bury them. we grieve with the family, we take it to the Lord & then we get back up again & pray for the next one. grieving is biblical {grieve with those who grieve} as long as it doesn't lead us to a place of unbelief, a hardness of heart. * {there was much more on this, i just couldn't write it all... including his incredible testimony of his daughter... he's seen thousands healed, including other kids with CP totally set free, but his daughter still has severe CP}
we owe the world an encounter with God's love. that's what heals. an encounter with God's love. the cross isn't about how much we love Him but how much He loves us. he doesn't heal because of how much we love Him but how much He loves us. it's the revelation of how much we are loved & we are alway in need of a greater revelation of how much He loves us. i am not just a son but a beloved son. knowing you are loved & believing you are loved are two different things.
the foundation to everything we do is intimacy with Jesus. all fruitfulness comes out of that. lovers make better workers.
we are learning to not just celebrate results {like when someone gets healed} but also celebrating risk. celebrating fearless faith. otherwise it's can become performance. we position ourselves for risk for heaven to back us up. it increases the anointing we walk in. we redefine failure. failure isn't not doing anything with what you were given. success is doing something with what you've been given.
hunger without breakthrough or an encounter with Him will lead to frustration which can lead to unbelief.
are you a thermostat or a thermometer? do you set the temperature or just take it? we carry the atmosphere inside us {it's not when the atmosphere is right around us}. glory will fall when someone knows who are walks into the room. i am aware of the One in me more than the ones around me. i focus on the answer not magnifying the problem. minister to people out of how God sees them, not how you do. He doesn't see the missing arm, He sees the arm that's missing.
it doesn't matter if i feel the presence. the bible talks a lot more about trust than it does feelings. by looking for the God outside of us we are despising the God inside of us.
like His disciple John, He only reveals the secrets of His heart to those who know they are loved, those dependant on His love for them, who lay their heads on his chest & listen to His heartbeat.
english {french, spanish...etc.} is not God's first language. He speaks through colours, nature, music, numbers... He isn't limited. so don't box Him in & wait for Him to speak in english.
the fear of God does not make me run from God but to him. i don't repent for forgiveness but because i am forgiven.
i will always be a novice. but when we plateau in experience, we lower our experience. our role model, our perfect theology is Jesus. when Jesus prayed 100% were healed and we can't be satisfied until we see the same. we minister out of HIs track record not ours. i refuse to create an identity or a theology around our 'perceived' powerlessness to justify our lack of understand. the peace that passes understanding comes when we give up our right to understand. feast on Gods goodness instead of changing my theology to suit my experience.
revival is a choice not an event. as for me & my house we are going to have revival.
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