i came across these 'truths about food & diet' that helped me keep it simple yet focussed. it's always nice to know why we do what we do. i've clipped these to our family planner in the kitchen, just so i can keep the goal right in front of me while i'm preparing meals. this lovely lady, who gathered these nifty truths, has been such a source of encouragement & education to my family & my recipe book {her recipes seriously must take up over half of my recipe collector}. find the original post here.
2. What we eat has power to make us well or make us sick. I wholeheartedly believe that nutrition does matter. It goes beyond maintaining a healthy weight. What we eat can truly affect our health, both short term and long term. Overall, I actually think nutrition plays a stronger role than genes do in our health because I think nutrition can turn on or off certain genetic tendencies.
3. The bulk of our diet should be made up of plant-based foods. The reason I think this is simple. If you are going to get the wide spectrum of nutrients you need, you have to eat a lot of plant-based foods, specifically a lot of vegetables. There are nutrients, important nutrients, you can get from animal foods. I think eating them is fine, nutritionally speaking. But if they make up the bulk (more than half) of your diet, you don’t have enough room in the rest of what you’re eating to get all the nutrients you need.
4. No matter what diet you follow, make sure you’re eating whole, unprocessed foods. Whether you eat vegan or paleo or somewhere in between, most of what you’re eating should not be packaged, processed foods. If I were to give one piece of advice to someone looking to improve their health, it would be to cut out processed foods & refined sugars.
5. Nutrition is highly individualized. There is no such thing as a one-size-fits-all diet. One person may thrive on a vegan diet, while the next person’s health may suffer. A certain individual may need more fat and less protein than the next. This is why you need to be careful and never assume that what “works” for one person will “work” for you. source: happyhealthymama.com
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