
sobering up

i have been thinking a lot about how impressionable i am, how easily influenced. a holy dissatisfaction with my own lifestyle choices & habits is rising to the surface to be purified, purged. a deep desire to get back to the original plan & purpose i was called to.  the original gospel.  not the watered down version i've been illustrating. ready to wake up from the cultural mirage & live free.

"i consider that the chief dangers that confront the coming century will be religion without the Holy Ghost, christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, and heaven without hell." 
{general william booth}

"how much more will the magnificence of marriage in the mind of God be unintelligible in a modern western culture, where the main idol is self; and it's main doctrine is autonomy; and its central act of worship is being entertained; and it's three main shrines are the television, the internet, and the cinema... my own sin & selfishness and cultural bondage makes it almost impossible for me to feel the wonder of God's purpose..."
{john piper}

"we are not relevant when we mirror the world around us, we are relevant when we model what they long to become."
{bill johnson}


  1. Hm...holy dissatisfaction with lifestyle and habits....what does it say that I'm reading this while swigging a black coffee and eating a cookie for breakfast??


    I love that this desire is being so firmly awakened and rooted deeper in you, lovely Sarah. I love that we can bear witness to you learning to live freer than ever before...you are going to FLY darlin. I believe it and I can't wait to see it.

    Also, that is enough deep thoughts for the week. My brain hurts - you make me think too much :).

    (Just kidding - I like that you challenge me.)



    1. Can you tell i'm gearing up to preach on sunday? lol
      Awe, thanks Christy! That's encouraging!
      You are quite lovely & refreshing yourself
      it's always nice to know someone reads this old rambling blog xo

  2. So good, Sarah. So so good. Love the last one especially. Pretty much sums up our lunchtime chat perfectly. Can't wait for your preach on Sunday.

  3. thanks mary! i rather enjoy our lunchtime chats!
    definitely getting some pre-preach jitters.
    but i think that's probably healthy... keeps me on my toes :)
